hey there world -holycrapthisblogwriterisdifferant- It's matty again! Today it's not a book review, nor a rant so let me set the situation for you. November 1st i will be participating in a Recon tourney run by my local club. its not actually that local (two hour commutes rarely are) so i'm trying my hardest to come out with the W so i'm putting a lot of thought (and possibly $$) into it. One problem i came across in making my list was that i couldn't keep everything straight in my head. I don't have army builder either, so what am i to do?
I tried making the list in a notebook but i found that not only was i running through paper like a banshee pumping out every 300 point combination in the blood angels codex but it was a hassle finding the reference between the codex and what i had written down, or to refer to a previous list hidden somewhere in the notebook. Needless to say, between my cramped handwriting, the occasional slushie spill, and not having a pen on me this was an inconvienance.
I strove for organization before i went any further, and i came up with a simple template to base your list listing's on.
Points and Game
Side Notes
Possible units
List 1 then Model Count
List 2 then Model Count (ect)
It's a very simple template that i find works for any non-apocalypse point count. Mine is very simple, 300 points doesn't hold that many units, and it's very open to criticism.
Blood Angels Lists.
current objective: Tac Recon Tourney (300 points max)
Viable Options:
Terminator Squad (200)
Sternguard Squad (125)
Sanguinary Priest(50)
Tac Squad (90)
Assault Squad (100)
Land Speeders (50)
attack bikes (40)
Looking for: Self Supportive heavy hitters. NOT looking for support units
List 1:
Sterguard w/ Power Fist and Combi Melta -155
125 25 5
Assault Squad w/ Flamer -105
100 5
Attack Bike
Models: 11
List Two:
Terminator Squad w/ h. flamer
Tac. Squad w/ meltagun
90 5
Models: 10
I also find it much easier to tally the total points with the point count under the unit and upgrades.
Ladies and Gents, thats all i have to say for now because i have some more lists to make!